Schiit Audio

I am interested in purchasing the Loki Max, and I sent out some feelers asking a few questions to the email address they have on the website. No response for a few days. So I come here and I see very mixed opinions on them. Are they a decent company to deal with? Anyone has had any extreme negative experience dealing with them or with one of their products? The Loki Max checks all the right features.. 


Showing 4 responses by rman9

Thank you all for responding!! I have been contemplating a high end equalizer, just to tweak and play with, in one of my systems.. I have the DBX 1231 and a vintage Optimus that still does great. But the Loki Max looks very enticing and looking to make a decision and purchase it in the next few days. I understand the restocking fee, as they are a small business. @mspot 5% seems reasonable for the Loki Max.  @zlone have you had any reliability issues with the components that you own? My biggest concern is the Loki Max sending any spurious damaging signal downstream into any of the components.. 

Thank again to every one for your valuable feedback. I have decided to not go for the Loki Max equalizer.. I do have a good system, that took me over three years to tweak, swap and get to a point where I absolutely love it. if it ain't broken don't fix it..