Run Roon in an iMac or dedicated Mini

I’m running Roon core on a dedicated 2011 Mac Mini and Roon bridge on a 2015 27" iMac I use for web browsing and email. Ethernet goes to an Ayre QX-5 Twenty in my primary setup, and to an ultraRendu and LPS 1.2 with Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC via Google MESH in a secondary setup. It’s been suggested I move core to the iMac. The Mini would become superfluous. Should I move core?

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Showing 1 response by sns

Upper tier mac minis will easily run all Roon dsp, depending on processor, it may even run most if not all HQPlayer dsp.


Your mini could be upgraded into dedicated server at a price and having to diy. If your going to heavy processing, Nucleus + will be required. You could also do a bare bone or Roon approved NUC with Roon ROCK. Nucleus will be most plug and play solution.