Roon can't find HQplayerr

I replaced a microRendu with an ultraRendu, changing nothing else except naming the ultraRendu "ultraRendu" rather than "Living Room". Now Roon sends the message that it can’t find a HQplayer. What’s the fix for this?

I deleted the HQPlayer box and Roon plays
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Showing 3 responses by riley804

do you ever get a chance to listen to the system ?   

 seems you are always tinkering or there is a issue with something.

you arent disturbing me at just seems that you are always having an issue with something and was simply asking a question .      no need to get all upset.

I think what you're implying is that I post too often, and that might be true.

not one time did a imply that you are posting to I said just seems that you are always having some kind of issue going on.   

but your two posts do seem snarky

by asking a question, I was being snarky ?    omg....