Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ?

Hi,  I have heard the Pharaoh but never the Magnum III.

I liked but I read very good reviews of the Magnum III.

I have JBL L100 Classic 90db. Any recomendation ?  I am looking for an integrated to reduce my system



yes, the cronus ii i had was clear, smooth, colorful, ultra refined and dynamic.  

the pharaoh to my ears is bass heavy with unrefined midrange and treble.  the bass has kind of a suggish overhang.  also the sound did not change drastically with different tubes.  you compromise high end sound quality for guts and grunt.  

@avanti1960 Just curious. Were you describing the sound of the original Pharaoh or the newest version?

im seeing pharaoh. I see differences, a black transformer cover and different capacitors. The second picture is pharaoh 1 or 2 ? on the front  only say "rogue audio" and on the back "Pharaoh"