Rock Concerts through your rig?

Ok, guys. Having to been to a few concerts in my time going back to, what was it?, Woodstock and up to the present, I still cannot figure out a concert referent. Rock is electronic. Even the drums are miked up the wazoo. Everthing playing through oodles of amps, speakers, wires, relays the whole nine. What it natural about that? Well, maybe naturally electric? What does a naturally sounding miked drum supposed to sound like. Guitar? Percussion? You know what I'm talk'n about? What are the qualities of listening to your home rig playing a live concert, that you equate to a live concert other than ear bleed levels? At least when you're listening to acoustic music, you have (other than the room dynamics)nothing between your ears and the instrument. It would seem to me that spending mega bucks on a home rig to duplicate concert sound shouldn't be necessary. Or do you have to spend the $$ to attain those kind of spl levels to make it happen? Power cords, ICs, speaker cables? Is that necessary for the home concert quest? Hopefully some of you audiophools will know what I'm trying to ask. thanks in advance, warren :)

Showing 1 response by musicslug

paul allen (co-founder of microsoft) built a concert venue as part of the 'experience music project' (rock museum basically) which has amazing sound - I equate it to a gigantic high-end stereo. unfortunately the museum has been struggling and doesn't do much in the way of concerts. too bad, because otherwise I agree with the above posts: most rock shows sound pretty bad. the people who record shows know all too well that a recording taken from the floor is far inferior to one taken off the sound board.