Revel Salon and Plinius SA102

Any opinions on this combo?
The plinius is 125W into 8ohms (Salons are 6 ohms nominal) but high current.

Showing 1 response by goatwuss

LOL Are you Kidding? "i believe the plinius is class A..." so you're making a prejudgement? The Plinius 102 Owns - Yeah the plinius is 125W at 8 ohms, doubles down to 4 ohms to 250 and is MEGA CURRENT Class A design. The current is more important than just more WPC where a doubling to 250 at 8 ohms = only 3db more headroom? The class Acurrent delivers much more. It will control his Salons with authority, speed and grace. Yes, I've heard the combo. Agree the Salons need power, but the Plinius brings it