Removing components from between the speakers

I've read many of the previous threads on this question - longer IC's vs. longer speaker cables - but what I'm writing about is what I read in Jim Smith's book "Get Better Sound" about removing ALL components and racks between the speakers and setting everything up side-stage, so to speak.

Has anyone done this? If I do, it'll necessitate longer speaker cables and a longer set of IC's from the tt to the amp.

Showing 1 response by douglas_schroeder

I had the opportunity to place components outside of my room, or in a closet in the room, or to put them alongside the wall. I chose to place them right in the middle. The primary reason is the atrocious loss/degradation that occurs with longer cables. It cannot be escaped, and it is horrific. No placement of components will fix the damage done to a system by use of unnecessarily long cables.

There are compromises which must be made when building systems, and the room is certainly not the end all, be all solution for setting up rigs. It accounts for perhaps 50% of the experience, but neglecting things like cable length is a major mistake, imo.