Remove plastic shroud from WBT binding posts?

If you own any recent amps or speakers of European origin, you probably have binding posts encased in plastic, with "guides" that permit spade or bare wire insertion from one position only. These are a royal PITB. Some models may be removable, but the WBTs on my Dynaudios do not appear to be. I want to get them off so I can properly install Walker HDLs, but I'd like to have them off anyway to make speaker cable connections easier. Any ideas?
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Showing 3 responses by drubin

Thanks you two. I'm afraid you are correct, there is no non-destructive way to get the little buggers off. Do you suppose it will hurt resale value if I remove them permanently?
Good points. Replacing the binding posts would require major speaker surgery, however, which I would not want to undertake.

>"Then again, some folks can be overly sensitive about stuff like that."

That's the key thing, I think.