Rel T9i Output

Wondering what kind of Maximum Db will one of these put out at 25 Hz or so


Appears to be -6dB@28Hz in room. 

The big Studio III I had didn't meet its claimed -6dB@12Hz specification by quite a margin. Compared to the much less expensive JL Audio F113 and the Velodyne DD-18, both exceeded their claimed response in the same room during the same time.

The need for most subwoofers to reach maximum output for music would be quite rare. 

it depends on room size and where you measure from.  they are more than adequate for music in medium rooms, two subs for medium large.  

My two subs measured flat at 25hz at the listening position and 90db was more than enough for me.  

Good morning,

      Just a basic question on subs, right now I have only one sub It seems fine its a small supercube def tech.

It sounds good to me, question is there a advantage to having 2 subs vs 1 sub and why what would I gain adding another ? Thxs