Quirky Krell

I bought the new Krell Showcase pre/pro a couple of months ago and have been very pleased with the audio and video sounds quality. It does, however, have a couple of little quirks that are maddening.

When I use the remote for the Tivo, the Krell picks up on the signal and disables the digital signal in favor of the analog signal. A few minutes later, it will switch back. But it can be distracting.

The other quirk is that the remote control occasionally goes dead. I have to take the battery and put it back in. Then it works fine.

I had heard that Krells could be a little quirky. Now I'm a believer. Has anyone else had this kind of experience?

Showing 1 response by drrdiamond

I have found Krell's service to be outstanding; way above and beyond what I would expect. I would contact them.
