Qawwali ....Nasrut Fateh Ali Khan

I'm looking for some serious Qawwali music. I like Nasrut, but many of his available recordings are mixed into dance music which I'm not a fan of. I prefer the real sufi stuff.

Was wondering if there are any spectacular Nasrut recordings where he really ascends to that higher plane...taking his audience with him. Live recordings would be preferred.

TAke this video of him on You Tube

...if you forward to Minute 2.30... you can see in his eyes that he's there... minute 3.00 he just takes off. I'd love to get this recording on CD. Alas, I'm unsure that it's avaialbe.

Showing 1 response by t_bone

Erider, the music, and the playing, on that Nikhil Bannerjee documentary is sublime. His mastery of his instrument is superb. Thank you very much for introducing that. I have been to Indian classical concerts, but I own no Indian classical recordings. Having heard that, I will seek some out.