Put that in your pipe(s) and smoke it

I'll say it again: let's seek out the gem's and leave the rest, folks. Ignore the trolls, or be selective of the actual content they bring up - should you choose to reply; it may even hold an unexpected, worthwhile observation or two on a subject that could put into perspective our endeavors here.

More importantly, if we want this forum to allow for free speech and a degree of resilience, some around here should reconsider their liberal urge to hit the 'report' button, because that's the thing that truly annoys me and what I'd call the real trolls around here: the one's feeling offended on grounds I imagine to be so relative to their own agenda, indeed petty in nature, that their reporting a post or thread is likely to see no further inquiry by the admins and is therefore, simply by virtue of being a report alone, put into effect as an actual deletion.

We should be able to hold a conversation without someone feeling taken aback over what is, in the bigger scheme of things, insignificant issues. If not it's an ongoing, sad tendency to shut the mouths of those we don't agree with, or for some other flimsy reason don't like. 

Showing 7 responses by nonoise

One can always discuss something in a vacuum for academic purposes but there’s always the overlap. One can even go so far as to imagine that they truly are separate, but they ain’t. Both inform each other. Your take is way too esoteric and abstract so as to not translate back into reality.

Back in the day when one took that course in college on English Literature, there was only one book you got and it was Norton’s History of English Lit, vols.I & II. Not only did one read the writings of the time but one had to bust one’s butt with the politics and economies of the time, as well as learn to read and speak Old English; to read it in it’s original text.

Can’t have one without the other. They all act upon and influence each other at a constant though differing rate.

Does anyone think that frog they dissected in lab in any way amounted to the real thing?

All the best,
Politics is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations between individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status. The academic study of politics is referred to as political science.Wikipedia
Nope. It's not at all how you pretend it to be. Politics and economics are so intertwined that particular economic models like capitalism are constantly conflated with politics, and for good reason. You can't have one without the other.

All the best,

If one were to draw a Venn diagram, you'd see overlaps on those who spout political beliefs, those who counter, and those who can't abide by that so they delete posts. Pretty simple. Either it goes both ways or is doesn't.....for everyone......all the time.

All the best,
If you or others insist on the political connotation, well, there’s a case of classic projection.
No, it was not the "political' connotation. 
Denotation of the word, liberal, is by far, most commonly used in the political way.

To wake up and see my post removed for something so petty, and wrong, was off-putting.

All the best,

@erik_squires ,
You beat me to it. He doth protest too much. 
Classic projection and a great summation of him.

All the best,