PS Audio Quintet shut off

Has anyone had problems with a PS Audio Quintet or Duet shutting off and then coming back on? The blue light will be flashing and then it will eventually shut off. It comes back on in less than a minute and this will happen again...maybe in another hour, maybe 2. Per PS Audio, this will happen when the voltage varies enough. Not a surge but an increase that lasts longer than a split second.
I've gotten the module from PS Audio that is more tolerant of voltage change (80v-130v) but it still happens. I've asked my electric company to put a monitor on it so they can see the fluctuations but they act like they don't know what I am talking about. Any suggestions?
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Showing 1 response by joeyboynj

I have no problem with my Quintet. It has never turned itself off and on as you described. I think you should demand a new replacement unit and see if you have better luck. The newer ones do not have these problems. If not, then go back and question the electric company again.