Programming track playback order on a CD player- anyone use it?

I bought my first CD player, a Technics, in the 1980's. I was intrigued by the ability to program playback sequence. I tried it once. Since then I've never used that feature again. Curious if anyone programs their track playback sequence. 

Yeah I use mine, more as a means of omission than changing track lineup but even then that is rare.
I've had a CD player since the beginning - Gen 1 (not proud of this fact either). I've never used the re-order function. Way too time consuming. If I don't like a particular cut, I just skip over it with the remote. Or if I want to hear a particular cut at a particular time, I just use the remote to seek to that cut. Life is too short to re-think the playback order of a CD......
It's just easier to use the remote to play the tracks that you want to hear.  The last time that I used the program feature on a CDP was before CD recorder functionality, when I would record a CD to a cassette tape