Problem - Gain out of my cable box to my Processor

I'm connecting my Cable Box to a surround processor (Meridian 565) using an optical cable. The sound is very low, I have to really crank it to hear. Tried using a digital cable and have the same issue. The sound is normal if I use either of the same connections coming from my bluray. Anybody had this experience? WHAT TO DO?

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Showing 2 responses by ozzy

I have Comcast and the same problem.
In the set up menu you can adjust for high compression, light compression or no compression, but no volumne level.

Most channels are ok , the ones that I have problems with are the Live Music Concerts. I really have to crank it up to get the volumne level.
I have to be careful when I change channels because of the huge sound level difference.
Calling Comcast does no good.
Nick778, My Comcast (Motorola HD DVR box) will not allow any volume adjustments.