Powersnakes power cords

I just purchased a Black Mamba powercord. It is one of tne best upgades I have done to my system. Any comments from other users

Showing 2 responses by mwalsdor

Echoing Mega's thoughts, I can appreciate your opinion and the general manner you spoke, which was honestly. Trying to distance myself from my appeal for PowerSnakes, I believe that all your implications are unfounded. Not absolutely sure of your thoughts on the KC, other than >they changed the sound<, I would add that people sell products all the time for a VARIETY of reasons, and that your post comes off as to imply something dubious about the Snakes. As you have spoken freely, I would say that they definately DO NOT add to "that hype". I have found them to offer substantial improvements across the board, as advertized. I would not limit my recommendation to JUST them, as I'm fond of the BMI
power cords as well, and I would add that there is a very large gap amongst many of the after-market cords out there so be careful about performance generalizations of this product type. Agreeing with your "other possiblities" comment; depending on your system context, I agree that untill you have addressed the inter-dependant core components, that power cord exploration should be delayed. Specifically about the King Cobra; are you saying that what it added to the sound was more detrimental than positive or that the cost of the KC, could be better spent (if only in your application)? MikE
Disregard my >all your implications< statement. I believe
some of your opinions are a bit zealous. >There is a strong voice (now quieted some) that I will speak for that feel power cords are a hox and a pure waste of money<...>IMO that
these power cords (PowerSnakes) are one of a FEW that add to the hype<. One of a FEW? That's a bold statement. MikE