Power Cord suggestions

See below for the system. I would like to upgrade my power cable on my cd player and am not sure where to start. I am not too sensitive to price, but nothing insane - I understand that is a matter or degree in this hobby :) Thanks.

Cary Audio 303/300
VTL 450's
Martin Logan Sequel II's

IC is Purist Audio Venustas
Speaker Cable is Cardas Golden Ref
PC on VTL's is Nite II
PC on ML Sequels is Cardas Golden Reference
PC on the Cary is 14 year old Cardas Golden

The VTL's are in the wall through a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet
The rest of the system is plugged into a PS Audio P600.
I use the 303/300 in my system and have tried a lot of different power cords with it before deciding on the best ( IMO) cord for it - the Nirvana Source AC power cord, which is not insanely priced ($595/1.5M), but gets the very best from the 303/300. Second place went to the Purist Aqueous Anniversary power cord, but the Nirvana beat this out at least in my system. Have FUN!
I very highly recommend the van den Hul Mainsserver. It was a revelation in my system. It is specially designed for CD players.

Go with Tara Labs AC Reference. I find this cable gets you most of what power cords have to offer sonically. This cable is as good as most of the MIT stuff costing much more. If you really have money to blow..then go with the AC Prime. Build quality and looks are great with either.
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See this thread:
Well the two best p/c's that I've heard in my system are the Virtual Dynamics Revelation and the Purist Audio Designs Dominus.
The Dominus offers a bit more midrange palpability, while the Revelation offer a bit more dynamic's.

How good would a DCCA power cord be feeding a Hydra from the wall- i.e. is it a high-current-carrying cable, Or more for line level and digital applications? Where have you tried it in your system?
Thanks for these responses. To be honest, I don't necessarily feel anything is missing. I just see from my past experience that changing cables, including power cords, created dramatic improvements (e.g., putting Nite II on my amps, using Venustas, etc.), so I am curious about a new PC on my source. I have called Cable Co. and am working with them.
Hifijunkie Iam in agreement with you, they are just too
good (DCCA cables), Don is also a very nice guy to deal with.
You may find this thread of some interest, Power Cord Flavors.

It will give you some reference to start with. It would help if we knew what you were trying to accomplish, since there is no cord that does it all. Are you looking for more transparency and speed? Are you looking for more body and fullness? What do you feel is missing?

Try a Oyaide Tunami GPX from Audio Excellence AZ. Just under $400 and it made a big differnece on my DAC. Also, a bit higher, comsidering they just raised their prices, but if you like the Virtual Dynamics cabls, the Nite and Master series also worked great on my digital sources.
Checkout DCCA Power cables - nothing short of sensational and superb value for money!

Email DON - i`m sure he`ll be able to help you out with your needs and system requirements.........

One happy customer!
Have you tried auditioning cables from the Cable Co? You are going to get a lot of different suggestions based on people's personal preferences and setup which is different than yours.