Paypal Changes for 2022

If I understand this correctly, Paypal, along with all on-line payment sources like Venmo, etc. will now be sending out 1099 forms for all payments totaling $600 you receive in 2022 for goods or services.  The only way around this is to use Paypal friends and family for payment which eliminates any buyer protections.  Is everyone aware of this?


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Showing 6 responses by dadork

I see @nonoise you don't have any answers for my questions or postulations other than ad hominin attacks. If you read through the entire thread on Prima Luna v Raven you will see this played out by yourself repeatedly as well as others on the left that you are unable to see anyone who disagrees with you as anything but a racist. The difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives believe liberals are people with bad ideas while libs believe that conservatives are just bad people. You see a racist around every corner. Someone went so far as to claim that there's no way Raven could make a good amp because it's located in a small town in Texas and everyone there is basically a troglodyte. I am a Constitutional Conservative. I am NOT a racist. I don't care what color your skin is. I would hire anyone who can come in and do the job required, they'd get the same pay as anyone else and more if they proved to be a good employee. The majority of conservatives are in my camp. We even like it when people from all over the world come here, as long as they come here legally according to the laws on the books written by congress. What we don't like is politicians who circumvent the laws they themselves have written. The majority of nation's do not allow the unregulated influx of foreigners so we are not unique in that regard.

@thyname no I don't and that's the point. Why does the government feel they are entitled to be involved in the minutia of everybody's every day life? My solution would be the Flat Tax where everyone paid the same 10% rate. Ten percent is the same amount for rich or poor. I think if half the nation who don't pay income tax had some skin in the game they might reconsider and think more about governments reckless spending habits. It's a lot easier to overlook it when it's someone else's money.


The Four Different Ways To Spend Money


1) You can spend your own money on yourself.

If you spend your own money on yourself, you’re very careful on what you spend it on. You make sure you get the most for your dollar.

2) You can spend your own money on someone else.

When you spend your own money on someone else, you’re careful on not spending too much. You don’t worry as much about the gifts you buy for other people as the things you buy for yourself.

3) You can spend somebody else’s money on yourself.

You’re careful to get good things for the money. But you’re not very worried about getting the best bang for your buck. You’re happier to spend more of somebody else’s money within reason.

4) You can spend somebody else’s money on somebody else.

You become a “distributor of welfare funds.” You’re interested in making your own life as good as you can. But you’re not going to be anywhere near as careful as spending this money on other people.

It's not crazies @thyname , it's people pointing out the obvious. It isn't enough that you pay not only income tax, property tax, sales tax, gas tax. tons of hidden taxes, death tax. That isn't enough to satisfy the all consuming behemoth of government. Banking institutions are warning their clients the Biden admin is intent on having them report any transaction over $600.This will force them to hire more people and it will enlarge another Federal bureaucracy. The current reporting amount is 10k and it was instituted to help curb organized crime. The people who will be hurt most as always are the poor who will have a harder time making itemized deductions and end up just handing over more and more of their money.

@nonoise  it is not unpatriotic to try to avoid paying what you can. I suggest everyone who thinks otherwise to pay more than you should. They will allow you to do that if you feel so strongly. We have roughly half the nation that pays nothing into income taxes while at the same time chanting for the rich to pay "their fair share". It has gotten so absurd that people who pay no income tax are receiving money from other taxpayers for their decision to have a child. People chanting fair share that don't realize the top 1% account for 70% of the monies paid into federal treasury. For some reason a political segment believes there is a limited amount of money and if that rich arsehole weren't so selfish I'd be rich too. It doesn't work that way. 

Our federal government is bloated and it's tax laws are what allows it to be bloated. If you don't believe me look at maps by county + wealth over the last 6 decades. That wealth was distributed across the nation. Today the richest counties are congregating around DC. I don't have a problem paying taxes; I have a problem paying for mass bureaucracy and other people's decisions in life. If you choose to have a kid, great! I don't want to pay for that choice.

@thyname redistribution of wealth is another way of saying theft at the force of federal government.  I hear the oft repeated phrase, "what do they need all that money for!" I don't have any idea how much money you make and I don't give a rip. It isn't my business. I want you to consider this though, to someone you are rich beyond their wildest dreams. Why is it right you should have what you have? Shouldn't you divest yourself of your possessions to make it "fair" or does that only apply to people you think are richer than you?
You didn't go as far as advocating violence, but you hinted at it as a remedy. Will you be comfortable when they come for you? The majority of rich people have come by what they have honestly and it's not any more fair to take it from them than it is from you. We don't have a too little taxation problem in this country; we have a spending problem in this country. Can you name any government agency that was created to solve a problem that has ever solved the problem then gone away because the job was done?  You can't tax your way to prosperity. Even Jesus said 'the poor you will always have with you'. 

One of you, I believe it was @nonoise inferred that rich people hoarded their money and that's why people were poor. Do you honestly think that way? People that have money are putting it to work, not stuffing it in a mattress. They are investing, growing, building, spending, donating. Putting people to work. I have never gotten a job from a poor man and neither has anyone here. 

The amount of confusion that has been displayed by what I would consider intelligent people about this IRS reporting issue is evidence of the reason it shouldn't be taking place. Do the majority of people have the savvy to comprehend it? At last count I believe our tax code was over 80k pages. It's too easy to end up on the wrong side of a very powerful federal entity who have the power to either take away your house, your livelihood or your freedom. 

Do you think you own your house if you aren't renting? Even if it's been paid off for twenty years, thirty years or a hundred try to stop paying taxes on it and see how long it's yours.

@nonoise I'm a guy who makes less than a 100k a year. I was homeless 20 years ago. I knew then as I do now the government is a glutton with billions of wasteful and fraudulent spending. I knew then as I do now that it is not right to take from one who earned or produced something to someone who didn't. I knew then as I know now that until waste and fraud is stopped or extremely curtailed, we shouldn't raise taxes on anyone. My hair is just fine.

Lmfao @nonoise . The answer isn't in giving things to people. The answer is in people working and gaining dignity and pride in what they are able to accomplish. The government has been giving people all of those things since FDR and LBJ and those people are exactly where they were then and in long look worse off. They don't take care of anything because nothing belongs to them. They don't learn self-accomplishment and pride and they certainly never step on the ladder of prosperity. It's become generational. In a capitalist society in which you seem to frown upon the employee has leverage as well. People that decided to learn in school rather than goof off have better opportunities. People that work have better opportunities and people that give a rip advance and if they can't advance where they are are free to go somewhere their abilities are compensated. I don't know why nobody ever told you but three things are antithetical to your ideal Utopia. Life is not fair. People don't have equal abilities. Actions have consequences; good and bad.

My story was not a sob story. I'm proud of myself. The me of 20 years ago would have thought the me now was rich. I own two houses now, one I rent out and use the rent to pay for this one. I own a business painting houses of people who I would consider rich. I employ between 2-8 people depending on what time of year it is. Rich is always relative. I guarantee one thing though friend, if I had blamed my condition on everyone else or even at just one group of people I would have never moved from where I was. People today are being conditioned to blame groups, told that they are incapable of making anything of their lives because someone else is stopping them and that they should just be happy with what the government gives them. People are being told that they should instantaneously achieve what they see other people have who have worked all their lives for. 

Could you imagine how many people could go to work, gain some dignity, advance in life if government weren't such a glutton? Where companies could pay people more if they didn't have to pay so much in taxes? Where companies didn't have to spend sometimes millions annually to keep abreast of current tax law?