Pass Labs XA-160 vs Levinson 33H

I have a sneaky feeling that my beloved XA160 amps may not be the perfect match for my ARC Ref 3 preamp. I am also a little worried that I could use a tad more power though I am less worried about this than I am about the impedance match between my pre and amp.

Anyway, could anyone please let me know their thoughts on the 33H? How does it sound? I have read that Levinson can be cold and clinical. I love how my XA160 produces clean, organic music. I dont want to give this up. I am looking for feedback (good and bad) on the 33H. Any direct comparison between the Pass to the Levinson would be highly useful. Also, anyone using a REF 3 with the 33H?

Thanks in advance.

Showing 5 responses by tboooe

ARC recommends 20Kohm input impedance at least. My Pass is 22Kohms input impedance. Am I too close to the lower limit??? Would getting something with higher input impedance help? If so, in what ways can I expect a high input impedance to improve the sound?
pubul57, I personally feel that amps have the least influence on the sound so I would be more willing to change my amps and keep my Ref 3.
newbee, thanks. I am actually trying to arrange a demo of the ARC Ref210 amps. Lets hope I dont like it!
Zoran, you are right but what can I say, I like to upgrade a lot. The A21 was a pretty good amp though. Two years ago seems so long ago....Thanks again!
marc, there are just so many cool components to listen to out there! Its hard to stay satisfied with only one. Unfortunately I can only afford to have one at a time but that does not mean I can swap out the one frequently!