Pass labs x250 vs Classe CA301

I am wanting to upgrade my Classe CA200 power amp to either a Pass Labs X250, or a Classe CA301. Has anyone had an opportunity to audition these 2 amps , and how do they compare? Is there a clear winner between the two?

Showing 1 response by mitchb

I had a ca-201 and it was OK but I changed it for a Pass X250 due to reliability problems with the Classe components and I believe the Pass totally smokes the Classe. I would need more time and space to tell about all the reliability problems I've had with Classe gear. I've owned six or seven components by Classe from their CDP's to Preamp and Amps and had many problems with each and every piece.The Pass gear is not only better sonically but has no reliability issues that I've ever really encountered. I love my Pass gear and will never buy a piece of Classe gear again!!! The only reason I went through seven pieces is that I was stuck with each piece I traded up thinking I would not loose on trade in by sticking with the same dealer upgrade policy. I should have gotten rid of my first or maybe even second piece of Classe gear at a loss and not have had to deal with the Classe "headache" for so long. LIVE AND LEARN!!!