Pass Aleph 5 vs. Pass XA 30.5 / 60.5

Hi! Currently, means for the past 15 yrs, I own a Pass Aleph 5 to my great sonic pleasure. Would it be a wise idea to trade it in for a pass xa 30.5 or a pair of xa 60.5? I´d be glad to get a comment!

Showing 1 response by aikidoka

Thanks to all of you for your valuable comments and suggestions. I own the Pass x 0.2 preamp and speakers are 91 db- audio physics caldera ( three cabinet- first version). My room is 15" x 12" x 7.5" at present and in a year will be 23.5 x 12 x 12. For now I will keep the aleph, although I agree on the lack of control in the low frequencies. I am still fascinated by the ease of that musical flow the aleph delivers, but will give the xa 60.5 a serious in-deep listening. To edwyun: what do you mean by SW?