OTL amps

I would like your opinions on OTL amps vs those with transformers.

Showing 2 responses by jim

Interesting thread. Although there are several references to OTL's being particularly suitable to esl's, how do they handle wide impedance swings... say, the 1.5 ohm to 32 ohm swings of my CLS's? Switching from ss to tubes was a huge improvement with my speakers -- are OTL's (like the 150w Atmasphere's) sympatico with my speakers' characteristics? I'm intrigued with the descriptions of OTL sound posted here.
Pjilefreak, I don't have detailed specs for my CLS's (original version), but the guys at ML say that the impedance drops to 1.5 ohms at high frequency and increase to 32 ohms in the mid-bass. I know that the next incarnation (CLSII's) dipped to about .5 ohms but didn't swing nearly as wide in the other direction. The IIz electronics ,ake the speakers a bit tamer all the way around. Again, I have the original version which always did well with tube amps.