Oppo 83 transport and DAC

I love LPs, but have listened to more SACDs and CDs in the last few years (mostly international folk songs and music). Getting OPPO 83 for Blu-ray recently, I don't know how I can max out Oppo audio quality to my MFA Magus Pre-amp and Sun Audio 2A3 power amp, and Lowther's speakers (set up purposely for my Teres turntable and Shelter's cartridge). I heard that the OPPO 83's weakest link is its DAC, so I wonder what DACs will work with the 83's transport well to give me the midrange and extended bass I am used to. I do not want to spend $5K DAC that will not help the 83's transport. So, Question 1: Anyone knows how good the 83's transport is? Question 2: Which DAC will work for my 83's? MSB Link III, Musical Fidelity A3 (24), MHdT Havana or Paradisea, CAL Sigma, Benchmark, TUDAC, PS audio, Cambridge Audio? Help! thanks

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