Older home & 2 prong outlets, Help No Ground?

A good friend is moving to an older home with all two prong outlets!

Of course, stereo, computers, etc all run with three and are for grounding, yes?

How does one prevent the exposure to electrical surges without grounding? Doesn't it need to be grounded to be safe?

Clearly confused,
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Showing 1 response by elevick

Some line conditioners can operate just fine without grounded outlets. Ideally you do want to have a dedicated grounded line but sometimes it's just not possible. I know that most monster units must have 3 prong grounded outlets, however many adcom units (ACE 515) can work without the grounded outlet.

If you consider the cost of a decent system ($2000 to $10,000?) the cost of a cable run is not so bad ($250?) or the cost of a good line conditioner/surge protector ($200 to $500).