Ok it is time for my dumb question on the day

What doe's the voltage regulator do in a preamp?
I am new at this and my preamp is in for this problem
please help me to understand. Thanks

Showing 1 response by morbius396c


Think of it like the "cruise control" on your car.

You set your cruise control to 45 MPH, and your car is
starting to climb a hill. It will naturally tend to slow
down going up hill. The cruise control will open the
throttle to produce more engine power for the heavier
load of climbing the hill. That way you don't slow down
going up the hill.

When your music demands more power to drive the amplifiers
in your preamp - the regualator makes sure the heavier
load doesn't drag down the voltage. It, in essence, lets
more power into the system to handle the heavier load.

That's about as good an analogy as I can think of at the

Dr. Gregory Greenman