Newer Paradigm monitor speakers vs old

Hi, Im looking for an entry speaker and loved the older 7semk3's when I had them. Ive seen some of these and the older monitor series for pretty decent used prices but the newer models seem to be half the weight and tiny compared to the older stuff. I just can't see the newer ones putting out the sound that the older mk3's did. (Those speakers got me excited about audio) Has anyone compared the new to the old, Has the quality gone down a bit. Please respond only if you have direct experience. Thanks
I had a pr of 7semk3's back in the day and newer Atoms, no contest at all, older much better.
Cheapest things I know about that are better are used Silverlines, any model, they ALL sound great, and Totem Rainmakers which show up here from time to time at about $400.

Read the Stereophile review about the Rainmakers, if anything, the guy underestimated how good they are !