New record=Bad Sound

Hey all, I just put on a new record purchased yesterday. Everything sounds good except the mids. It almost sounds like its recorded too hot and its peaking at the meters.

This album is dear to me. I grew up with this band and know it is not recorded that way.

Do you think this New record {sealed when I bought it, came out in 1989-90} could use a good steam clean?

I do not have a way to clean records other than the Discwasher system.

Or should I take it back to my record store and get my cash back?

{First post :-)}

Showing 1 response by elf73

Good album. I never noticed the mids being hot, I'll have to listen again. I liked "Ragin Full On" a lot more.

Strange though, I've never had a problem with SST records. I've always thought they were really well recorded for an indie label.