Multiplex Tuner Repair

Hi Folks,

As most of you remember, I was having trouble with distortion in my Scott multiplex stereo tuner. In mono it's good but while music plays in stereo, there's a good deal of distortion. I took it to a local technician but they had it running through a $10.00 receiver and speaker system. I mentioned to the tech that the problem was most noticeable with classical musical (honest) but they balked and said they didn't find a problem. By the way, after I paid the bench fee, I again mentioned a Scott Multiplex Charger and their two technicians said they never heard of that.

So now I'm at home with the 350 tuner and experiencing the same issues. I live in Cincinnati so I'm wondering whether or not someone near enough to me could fix this tuner the right way?

Also a proper FM antenna might help as I have changed stations and it becomes a little more listenable. I could purchase a Magnum Dynalab ST 2 and bracket it to the brick facade of my apartment building but I don't know how to ground it to the inside of my flat. As mentioned previously, mono sounds great and my thought is that it is getting enough reception in mono but not so much for stereo? At this point I'm frustrated and disappointed in the technician that I took it to.

Showing 1 response by yogiboy

You can get a ground source on the screw that is on the face plate on an electric outlet in your apartment. I think you will be wasting your time and money installing the ST2 only to find out it is not any better than a simple ribbon antenna. If the tuner sounds good in mono why not just listen to it in mono? When I get a noisy station I listen in mono,that's what the mono switch is for. Stop spinning your wheels and enjoy it the way it is.