most annoying neighbor?

Just wondering if this topic has ever sprung up on the Gon. I have next door to me, most likley the most annoying neighbor I have ever been accustomed to. Almost all day at low volumes "Thank God" he plays some kind of tom tom music almost ritual in nature even at 5:30am. At the moment as I am typing I can hear, it very faint but it is there like dripping water from a faucet. I have yet to hear anything else from him in terms of identifiable music such as we know just the same over and over and over. I was wondering any fellow Goners ever have the displeasure LOL?

Showing 1 response by eddaytona

I lived downstairs from a bartender in New York. He would get off at closing (4AM) come home and start partying with his other bar "friends". Turned his music to 11 and danced the morning away. Never finished until about 9 am. I finally gave up asking nicely and would leave my radio on turned to 12 as I went to work at 7:30. Eventually he got the point.