Monarchy 24/96 DIP

I have heard good reports on this unit when used between the transport and DAC in lowering jitter noise. I would appreciate comments from those who have used this unit and the sonic rewards, if any.
I am currently using a Theta Universal ll transport and Pro-Basic lllA DAC with Kimber Illumination digital cable.
I found that there were several variables that contributed to the performance of my Classe Dac1/CTD1 combo. When I first added the 24/96 DIP with a D-60 input and Orchid out, I noticed a bit more extension and air in the highs. As time went on, I added a PS PP300 to my front end. Not much improvement with the DIP in place. But when I removed the DIP, WOW! What an overall major improvement. What I believe, is that clean power helped to lower the jitter to a point even lower than the DIP. I sold the DIP and have experimented with a Genesis Digital Lens. No great improvement there either. Bob D
There are some old threads on this topic you may want to research in the archives. I own the same DAC as you and a Pearl transport, and I noticed the same improvement in HF extension with the DIP 24/96 added as Mr. D, as well as more incisive transient performance and better soundstage separation with a reduction in homogenizing "texture" (this with Cardas Lightning RCA digital IC's). The overall effect was of greater resolution and focus with less congestive murkiness, but my ears did need a little time to readjust to what initially seemed to be somewhat "bright" sound (really just cleaner) with the DIP in-circuit. Contrary to his experience with the PLC and the DIP, when I added a (likewise balanced AC) API Power Wedge Ultra feeding the transport, jitter-box, and DAC, I realized improvements at each step, which added up for all three components to a smaller, but still very worthwhile additional bump-up in sound quality, although I do confess that I did not think to go back and try things with the Wedge and without the DIP (there seemed to be no need). The addition of the balanced AC (I had previously been using the older, unbalanced version of the same PLC) further de-grunged the sound, and caused images to "pop" in three dimensions more, as well as heightening dynamic contrasts and rendering a more liquid overall presentation that seemed freer of mechanical artifacts, with better preserved tonal fullness from the midrange down. Switching out of balanced AC mode - much like removing the DIP had done previously - left the sound seeming flatter, more musty and boring in comparision. (However, I personally doubt that any of the benefits that I heard [or that Mr. D didn't hear with his associated gear and the DIP] as the result of adding the balanced filtered AC had anything to do with the DIP's raison d'etre, jitter reduction.) My advice: Get the DIP for increased clarity and air, and then try balanced AC (if you haven't got it already) for more richness and power. Happy listening!
I have an MSB Link III and I'm using a JVC DVD player as a transport for now. I think the DVD player is pretty poor from a jitter standpoint but the DIP improves things quite a bit. There is a more focused sound with greater depth. Small details also seem to be revealed in a natural way. I work for Harman Music Group and I was able to try a DBX Quantum mastering processor for a while in my system. It has jitter reduction and seemed to be much better than the DIP but it's way more expensive too. Actually it seemed to make my low quality player sound as good as anything I've ever heard. Nevertheless, I would recommend the DIP.