Mogami wire quality?

Say compared to Cardas? 

Showing 1 response by atmasphere

Also, the wire material is basic OFC copper that is stranded. All this is decent for what you get. They are generally less expensive (under $150 in most cases, unless you are getting a multi-channel snake or something).

Cardas has a very specific manufacturing method where it uses a very high purity copper

Just a FWIW: if anyone tells you that their wire has greater purity than 99.99% (for example the myth of 'six-9s' copper) turn around and run as hard as you can.

No-one anywhere has copper purity greater than 99.99%. This is due to the facts of extrusion- you can certainly start out with something more pure, but by the time its actually safely in the insulation its no more than 99.99%.

99.99% is what is known as 'OFC'.