MoFi enzyme based cleaner and pure rinse

I must admit, I am a little disappointed given the buzz surrounding enzyme based cleaners. In this first foray into them I have not gotten results that I would call monumental.

Maybe I am doing something wrong. I have found it to reduce some of the noise floor, but not dirty pop/click grunge sounds. I have tried it on about 5 LPs and have found that it is really not working any better than VPI cleaner thus far.

And yes, I do use dedicated brushes for each stage and I clean the vacuum tube of my VPI 16 well after each application.


Showing 1 response by rushton

Tgb and Chashmal, just a point of clarification if I may. The Walker Audio Prelude Step Three solution is "just" very pure water with no additives (to say it's "just" purified water is to greatly understate the steps taken to create this water).

It is the recently introduced "Step Four High Resolution Rinse" that is not just purified water. For this new fourth step, Lloyd developed something that he adds to the Step Three ultra pure water to improve this fourth and final cleaning step. Lloyd won't say much about what he's added to create his Step Four solution, but the improvements we find here when using it are very impressive.