Moderation/Censorship Poll and surely more...


I'm here over 8 years and back then, I think the moderation guidelines were much lighter than today.  I think it's okay to have all foolish posts of ebm instead of removing part of them IMHO. 

Having that as a fact would you like to

A) Leave it same way?

B) Bring more rules?

C) Decrease rules?




Showing 7 responses by danager

“ I have seen very abusive posts addressed to me “

I don’t recall anything left published of the nature that you allude to! Could you provide examples ? 

Now that's funny.

Rules exist because contributors are unable or unwilling to comply with the very basic guidelines  of a place of dedicated to audio related inquiry.  If everyone would conduct themselves within these very simple guidelines no threads or posts would need to be removed.

  • No rude or condescending behavior
  • Audio related issues

Even allowing this thread to exist is pretty lenient as this isn't truly an audio related issue. 

What?  I'm not at all following what you're saying.

Are you saying you feel your posts are being removed while following the guidelines?  You are reporting posts that you feel need to be removed and aren't?

That by posting about personal responsibility is sucking up?

Or that we need a gibberish translation tool?

quoting Whoopi Goldberg in "Jumping Jack Flash "


@tsushima1 maybe it was more the intent of the post rather than the post itself???

Can you please edit your repost and remove my name?  I get an email notification every time my name gets posted and as fun as its been I don't want to be associated with a thread about guidelines that's gone horribly wrong.

The rules need to be much stricter to stop this nonsense, removes blatant abusers and users of this forum including myself need to grow up, grow a pair and discuss what really matters... USB cables. 


and you’ve actually heard all the models of these speakers and feel qualified to disparage an American manufacture because people who actually own them and like t0 talk about their qualities.

As yours doesn’t stink, enlighten me on a speaker in the same price range that trounces them. Not just sounds better but meets your criteria of excellence.