Mid Morning Listening Sessions - Sounds the Best

Sometimes when I get a chance to listen to music in the Mid Morning time frame, everything sounds just right,
I’m not thinking about the next piece to upgrade to, just toe tapping and enjoying the music.

I’m not sure why this is true (for me) - Are my ears hearing better in the morning ?
Is the power (to the house) cleaner in the morning?

Whatever it is, I’ve noticed this happen on more than one occasion.

Does the time of day influence your music enjoyment?
I suspect a night night session with a few adult beverages might be optimal for most.

Anyway just a random thought for today,

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

There's no doubt about it, the best sound is late at night when the system has been on and running for hours. Depending on exactly what you are talking about I may be the wrong person to ask, however. Because it doesn't matter what day or time it is, if it sounds good I will hear it and remember it and it will be etched on my mind for all time. If I never hear that quality again for months or years, it does not matter, whatever it was its indelible. Some people have eidetic imagery. I have whatever is the word for that with sound.  

Its nothing to do with alcohol, or green bud, or mood. When it comes to sound I am of the Gurney Halleck school of thought: "What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises- no matter the mood!" 

Which may sound odd coming from a guy who is on record saying his highest goal is a system that delivers emotional catharsis. But that only highlights the depth and breadth of the project. It takes a lot of technical mastery and detachment to get to where you are touched and swept away.