Michael Hedges

Just passing along a great music CD. Michael Hedges-Oracle This is a great guitar solo(instrumental)CD. It is a great recording,extremely clean,and dynamic. The whole disc is phenomenal(every track) I highly recommend it.

Showing 1 response by duanegoosen

If memory serves, he rolled his car off an embankment while driving solo. Speculation was that he nodded off at the wheel.
I read some gripes about the cavernous sound on his recordings. A great musician can make great music and interesting sounds in a tunnel. He was an amazing player and alot of his compositions will last. At the shows I went to he always sounded alot like his recordings (great), and the real special effects behind his sound were his fingers and his brain. Maxcast, you might like Breakfast in the Feild, or Leo Kottke/One Guitar no Vocals.