LPS for Musical Phonomena II+

If you have this unit, its a bit irksome that the maker only offers it with a wallwart power supply (an uncommon 24V DC to boot).

On fleabay I found an LPS power supply for around $60 + shipping. Out of the box it didn't have the right tip needed but another $22 spent on Amazon for a set of 10DC plug adaptors got this working. Overall a nice improvement, smoother presentation and in louder passages things come through more clearly. Do check the voltage when you get it, mine was set a little high to 24.5 but removing the top 4 screws and case top exposed an adjustment screw

Description on EBay

30W(30VA)HiFi Linear power supply PSU DC9V/12V/15V/16V/18V/20V/24V

Adaptor link on amazon

Can you post a picture of the unit connected to your Phonomena II+? I have the Phonomena II and have been looking for a better PSU than the wall wart.
Also would like to see this adjustment screw inside...

 "its a bit irksome that the maker only offers it with a wallwart power supply"

That's because they want you to buy the Nova which has re chargeable battery operation, for $1200. 

