Lowther drivers, front horn or back loaded horn?


Normally Lowther advice to use their drivers in back loaded horns like the medallion but Oris and Azura front horns have also made themselves a respected name in lowther based designs. So, I would like to know what are the differences in soundstage, imaging, inmediacy, low level information reproduction, room interaction,,etc between these 2 options.

A lot of people talk about the magic of the lowthers to make music present in the room, as grab and touch and to recreate the ambience of the venues, so,
Which one of these aproachs if properly used will enhance the lowther experience?

Showing 4 responses by gawdbless

Not heard the Lowthers so cannot comment. I love my Oris 150 with Fostex F200a mid/ bd-design bass cab and T900-aex Tweeter. Wow what an engrossing sound. I have to say the Oris 150/F200a is a great combination. And is (for me anyway) up there with the big boys (and maybe beyond many).IMHO.Can't wait for the Denver show to compare speakers.
Johnk- The nice chap who sold them to me told me that you built them when I first made the enquiry.Thats why I snapped them up when I did without an audition and without hesitation. I Had to drive 2000 round trip for them, but was more than well worth the effort, time and money etc. Had a good time in Las Vegas also, I kept reassuring my better half that It was a holiday.lol. Cost me heaps to keep her sweet (and still is).
There is another pair of your speakers (I believe)here on Audiogon, that are two 150's per side I bet they sound awesome, If they had been an other colour but blue I may have been able to swing it. For the price that they are they are a steal. I don't understand why they have not been sold already. Seems different strokes for different folks. Perhaps horn speaker lovers have different ears to the rest.
Hi Alan,
I am unsure of what you mean by 'ringing'? I only hear music from the speakers and do not hear any Intrusions. The distance is about 8' between the speakers and will eventually go perhaps 10', although I will try to find the optimum when the room gets a make over. They are 'toed in' but when the wall that they are against is fully clear only then can I move apart etc. I'd like to try corner placement also in the future to see what they sound like. I sit about 15' away at present for normal listening, but when 'I'm in a mood for a bit of AC/DC' I put out a 'loud noise' warning then crank it up. They do go loud!very. And the 18" bass cones pump out some wonderfully articulate bass also with oodles of depth, dunno how low they go but there is no need for a sub! I have not heard any Azura's or even these 150's til I bought them so can't comment. Of all the equipment I have to be replaced (funds permitting) these fantastic Johnk creations will sure stay for the duration. I use my Nagaokas with Fostex FE168Sigma cones for late night listening as the Oris are Indeed a little to dynamic for the oh-so quiet moments.

Hi Alan,

I have moved my Oris's Into the corners now. The room Is 13'wide so they are about 10' (center of mid cone to mid cone) apart approx, the sound has had a big Improvement In every aspect. This Is where they are going to stay now. These Johnk built speakers have got to be the biggest bargain on planet hi-fi. I would not swap these for any of the speakers I heard at the Denver Show 2007.