Looking for suggestions on best small footprint speaker under $4K

i’m a long time 2 channel system guy that rekindled his  interest in music and Is looking to upgrade speakers.    I just currently upgraded from a small  tube amp to a 150 W Krell amp and have really enjoyed the improved response from my  7 year old KEF LS50’s.     My favorite Brands of speakers over the years have been Maggie’s and B&W.   I have also downsized  homes and size of speaker is an issue.     Looking for the best sounding speaker for jazz and lite rock.    Attractive cabinets are important to me so I don’t like the looks of golden ear speakers..   25 years ago I loved Vandersteen speakers but they were just not attractive.

As I begin my search what would yoou suggest.   I have started looking at Monitor Audio and Salk but have not heard any.  My budget is $4K.

i appreciate your feedback.

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I'm a huge Maggie Fan as well, and when my rig got moved from our main Great Room to a small media room, had to trade in my 20.1's to stand mounted speakers.  I've had great luck with Dynaudio Counter S1.4 LE's (limited edition build), and now Joseph Audio Pulsar's.  Both can be had for $4k or below (the Dynauio's for about $2500), but seldom come up for sale.  Both put out much more bass, in my room, than I expected.

Good luck.