Looking for Linear Power Supply for my Mytek Brooklyn DAC. Suggestions?

I am aware of the SBooster at 400 dollars. Any recommendations?
I use a Teddy Pardo on my Chord Qutest.
Really worthwhile upgrade.

Chose a TP as it looks good in my rack...seriously.
Those sBooster things were U.G.L.Y.
Two suggestions I find very interesting and helpful from George. For one, it’s really better to clean your power by isolating from SMPS devices first than just adding any power conditioning or exotic LPS’s and power cords. Secondly, the battery option does make sense. I am going to try one with a bigger capacity (mAh) though so it lasts longer. While a bit pricier, still beats the boutique LPS brands out there by far, not including the power cords I will be tempted to buy those with.


I do have solar but the inverter is 300+ feet away. Good right? It’s our back and not on roof. 
wsrrsw Georgehifi

I do have solar but the inverter is 300+ feet away. Good right? It’s our back and not on roof.
Better maybe you have to try, could be just lower in intensity if it were closer to the hifi circuit.
Because if you think, no matter how many different circuits you have in a house, they all eventually come back to the one active wire and one neutral wire that come in from the street.

I also use a proper isolation transformer (with gap between primary and secondary) on all my source equipment, because noise can’t jump a gap so they say.

Tried a real big isolation transformer on the power amp, it still sounded better into the wall socket because no matter what conditioning I tried on it, it always introduced a series resistance which robbed the dynamic life out of the amp, because big power amps power supplies don’t have regulated circuits in them, they need to have low esr (equivalent series resistance) power supplies. David Manley (VTL) was the one that opened every ones eyes to this way back in his book The VTL Cookbook", he called them a "stiff" power supplies, and was dead against rectifier tubes for that series resistance reason

Cheer George