Logitech Transporter Service

I know this is a long shot, but I have a Logitech Transporter that simply atopped powering up one day. It’s a nice sounding piece that I would love to build an office system around, but I’m stymied as to where I can get it serviced. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

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Showing 2 responses by blackdoghifi

There is a small 5V power supply inside the unit that has a track record of failing.

It's a relatively easy fix if a suitable power supply can be found. The one I used is backordered right now. Required a little modification but works fine.

If it isn't the control power supply, then most likely the unit is scrap.

The 5V supply i referred to is what controls turn on, and control functions. I've seen two of these and both had the same problem. It shouldn't be hard to figure out how to wire a new supply in. 

There is no service documentation at all, and no factory support