Links, tips, shortcuts and problem solving

Thread dedicated to anything and everything that helps us with high end audio, our computers, music, security and system set up tools.

It would be helpful if the first word in the post allows viewer to scan the list and open only what they need.
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Showing 5 responses by rushton

Listening room dimensions are often out of our control, but the Cardas Golden Cuboid dimensions have shown up in some of the best sounding listening rooms I've been in. Here's a link to the Cardas room ratios and other room setup suggestions...

Cardas Golden Cuboid Room Dimensions and other room setup suggestions
Turntable fine tuning suggestions from Lloyd Walker... When you've got the basics right, the magic is in the final details and Lloyd describes how he's learned to do it.

Fine Tuning Your Turntable
Turntable and tonearm user manuals and technical documents for many brands/models have been collected at The Vinyl Engine, a great source of information for turntable users.

Library of user manuals and technical documents at The Vinyl Engine, also includes downloadable strobe discs and alignment protractors.