Life As I knew in My Audio World Has Ended, Help

My routine has been turned upside down and I no longer have any real listening time, it's killing me. My normal weekday routine allowed me to do serious and relaxing listening at a great time, now it's gone. I would workout from roughly 4:30am to 5:20 or so, get home, shower, eat breakfast, and then listen for 45min-1 hour before heading off to work. My hours at work have been moved up one hour so I no longer have that time. Working out at another time is not an option. I figured I would have to listen at the less desirable time of late afternoon but have not gotten around to it yet. Any suggestions out there? Weekends are usually busy.

Showing 1 response by aolmrd1241

09-08-08: Mrtennis

"if we are so addicted to listening to music , it is a drug and no longer a source of enjoyment."

Mrtennis,the man asked for some type of logical response and you surely gave him one. (NOT) 8^(

Addiction: compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming "substance" (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful...8^(

Hobby: a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in "especially for relaxation"...8^)