Levinson 436 Versus Krell FPB 350 MCX?

Has anyone auditioned these?

Looking for a compare/contrast.
Cpatbay: you are correct, as they have since "corrected" that detail on their website since my 10-28-03 post.
Well gents, I have a Krell FPB350MCX monos and not optimised to bring out the best of them with my system..the Krells are close to bright,,,a bit edgy, dependant on CD..I'm looking to get the 436 to run the top end and my Krells to run the bass..Speaker upgrade after my 436 purchase.. Nola vipers to replace my B&W 801'sD.
In my opinion, 2 totally different sounding amps.

The Krell will give you bass slam like you never heard it before. Its all about Grip. Pedal to the metal and let it rip. It can be a little fatiguing on the ears with long listening sessions.

The Levinson are more effortless with a nice midrange. You will not get the slam and the high frequencies tend to be a little soft. To some, they may find this amp to polite.

Just my 2 cents.
Some folks like Krell , some like Levinson . I like both , but prefer Levinson by a bit . You won't be disappointed with either .
Happy Hunting .