Leasing options for hi-end AV gears?

Any of you folks know of dealers/vendors that offer leasing options for hi-end gears, with down to earth terms/conditions.

There are leasing options available for automobiles, furnitures, lady hand bags, computers, (i believe cell phones), low end AV gears from same place that does furnitures (which I have done, when I relocated), golf clubs, even housing, etc.

I am not talking about 1 week or short term home demos(which are usually a week, give or take.)

I am talking about the length of a product cycle.

Thx in you advance.
been there done that with the trade in trade up, but that required an large initial outlay of cash.....

doing financing arrangement with my credit card(s), but i dislike the hassle with having to sell them...when it comes time to unload

with the upgrade, that is fine/acceptable as long as you stay with the same manufacturer/vendor
Leases are really financing arrangements, and audio dealers are not banks. You need a whole separate infrastructure to do leasing, and the high-end market isn't large enough to support that infrastructure. (Car companies do it because they really are banks--think GMAC.)

You can accomplish the same thing without a lease, however:
1) Take out a consumer loan for the cost of the gear (or use a line of credit or put it on a credit card or whatever).
2) Sell it when you're ready to move on.
It will work out to the same thing,
Some stores will offer buyback programs giving you complete credit towards the purchase of a new piece in the future. I think I saw this on soundbysinger.com
Nopes, I don't knows of anys... But most of the retail shops will lease it to you for the retail price, since you'd want it for the length of a product cycle, which seems reasonable to me.