Laziness in a dark room & digital hi-fi

Hello everyone!

I am about to dip toes into proper audio. I am nowhere near what you guys are at, in fact not even on the same planet. To set things straight from the start, I don't have access to stores that let you demo stuff so I have to rely heavily on tips and recommendation by the good people here.

What do I ultimately wish to achieve? Play my FLAC collection residing on an external pocket USB drive in a two channel set up, control it from my bed with the lights off completely. A weird habit I picked up in my childhood.

I will complete the set up in steps starting with the Canton Vento 809DC (are they any good for Pink Floyd?)

Please help!


Showing 1 response by chadnliz

Should be fine, cant imagine really loud levels for what your doing but what do I know?
Get a nice DAC to pipe your fils through and your all set!