Krell KAV-250a: good? vs. Bryston 4B ST at price?

How is the Krell KAV-250a? In terms of weight, size, and price it seems like "Krell Lite". How would you compare it to the other Krel amps? How is it at it's price point? Recently discontinued, they can be had new for about $2000. Is it worth it? Or for around the same money are you better off with a Bryston 4B ST (which has similar power ratings)? What else around that price and comparable output levels would be better? These would drive a pair of Mirage M-3si speakers, and be feed by a Sonic Frontiers preamp.

Showing 1 response by papertiger

Angela100 - good question.

I am very much interested in firm, solid well controlled bass, as well as an sweet and extended but non-fatiguing treble. I wouldn't want anything too dry and analytical, yet do want a very neutral amp with lots of detail. I listen to all types of music.

I also have a pair of Mirage's excellent BPSS-210 powered, servo-controled subwoofers that match nicely with, and extend the bass (down to 18Hz) of the M-3si's.

I'm sure there are other options outside of the Krell and the Bryston in that price range (new and used), but they are the two identified so far as fairly decent bets. I am open to suggestions. Might even do some vertical bi-amping of the M-3si's...