Krell FBP c versus FPB cx

I have just sold my KSA 200S and I'm interested to buy another amp. I was wondering what the difference between the FPB 300c and the FPB 300CX. Can anyone let me know?

Showing 3 responses by dbld

Kenscollick is correct about the model numbers. Many people miss the fact that the 200C essentially became the 300CX while the 300C became the 400CX when the "CX" series came out.

I believe the "C" series can be upgraded by Krell to the "CX" series, but I do not know what is involved or how much it costs.

As for the difference, I'd like to hear about it too.
Dr. Greg, Regarding your 200c to 300cx upgrade comment...that is what I intended to say. I am sorry if I was not clear.

Do you know how much this upgrade costs?
I am mostly curious about the "C" to "CX" upgrade, financially and the perceived difference in sound. More specifically, the upgrade from the 300c to the 400cx.