Keith Jarrett on the importance of audio sound quality

My little contribution to the forum.

Leave aside KJ is my favorite pianist, his trio my favorite trio (RIP Gary Peacock).

Found this article, him talking about the importance of reproduction quality of what he records.

Good read, many good points that elicit reflection and appreciation.
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Showing 2 responses by roxy54

Why won't he tell the brands of gear that he uses? I recall many years ago he used to endorse a now-defunct small brand of speakers with one name which I can no longer remember. It was probably about 40 years ago. I think that they might have been from California.
I bought my first and only Keith Jarrett CD many years ago, and I too found the muttering and groaning unbearable. I gave it away and never looked back. There are many other great pianists that keep their mouths closed.