K2S9800SE with Yamamoto A-08S, Good match?

Hi everyone,
I just had the K2S9800SE for few days. Setup with SS amp and I am not that happy(Meridian frontend,Lamm M1.1 and MBL9010C)I don't have tube amp on hand so won't be able to tell how it will sound like but I am bringing home the VTL s400 early next week to try.
Here is the question,
Do you think the Yamamoto A-08s with drive the K2S with most kind of the music? or what are the other options?

Showing 1 response by johnk

Yes but you might loss bass drive.I would say a 300b SET or 845 might be best depends on room size listening levels etc.But if I could buy 1 new SET it would be the yamamoto. I have used many 45 SETs with horns like in link http://steinman.mesls.org/stereo/J%20Kalinoski%20Loudspeakers%20101.jpg pretty big horns 106db 4ohm system if placed end to end is 19ft across.Had to biamp with larger amp on bass horns. But my 45 SET amps easly drove the 10 horns total to great levels.