JVC TT-101 Won't Stop

The Stop button on my recently purchased QL-10 doesn't work. It worked at first after the TT warmed up, but then quit completely. I since have replaced all 37 electrolytic caps on 3 boards, but it made no difference. The power voltages are correct. The button itself is fine and shorts pins 6 and 9 of the P8 connector on the main board, but the motor doesn't stop. What could be wrong? Any particular transistor or adjustment? Please help! -Alex
I'm too lazy to look at the video you quote, but the switch for "run" or "hold" makes no change to function quality.  It only alters the read-out of the tachometer, in the ways that you have already discovered. I found the "run" display to be a bit crazy making, if you look at it for an extended period.  I like "hold"; you can see what the tt is doing at a glance.
I always found the run and hold functions a strange function
to include and have left mine on the hold also.
Question. Since the adjusting of the quick stop, as per the SM, requires using records to add weight to calibrate, would using a record weight throw this off?

did you take pictures at the points where you intervened to get a good repair?